Five Nights At Freddy’s 2020

You thought that working as a guard in a pizzeria is safe and easy. However, this is not what’s going to happen when you decide to work at Freddy’s place. As all the visitors that are used to go there at the weekend with their kids, you thought that this is just a cute and regular place for family leisure. How wrong you were, my friend! There are five absolutely terrifying nights waiting for you now. Series about animatronics are not for those, who have weak nerves. While in the official versions of FNaF you had to sit in the room waiting for bloodthirsty dolls to enter your place and scare you to death, trying to prevent them from moving too close by all means, this part is for the bravest ones.

Now you are going to walk around the pizzeria at night, the best time for animatronics to go crazy. They are wandering freely here and there, looking for you. Incredible thing is that they seem to sense you, so at some moment they will surely find you. Well, freedom of movement may seem saving from the first glance – you can run away, hide, and block the entrances to keep them away. However, this won’t make your adventure any easier. Sometimes, it will make it even more complicated, because animatronics are fast and incredibly cunning. Use the cameras to predict their actions.

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